Bianca van Zon

As Manager HR, I am responsible for the development and implementation of the HR policy. I work with my management team colleagues on the company’s strategy and its long-term objectives.

After more than 20 years in various HR positions — mainly in a large international work environment — I made the switch to Sentech in 2022. Here, I am able to involve myself in diverse HR issues concerning the full range of the HR profession. This makes the work fun and challenging.

Sentech is a professional and ambitious company with colleagues who work in their professional field with plenty of passion and energy. It is also a warm working environment where attention is given to individuals and genuine interest is shown for the person behind the professional. This combination is very attractive to me.

Along with our two children, my husband and I live in the polder, where we enjoy outdoor life. In my spare time, besides maintaining and doing jobs in and around our house and in the garden, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, such as going on fun outings, catching up with each other, or enjoying a nice meal together. I also like to walk in the beautiful Dutch nature. And during vacations, you can find us in the mountains.

e-mail Bianca

or call +31 73 2200 513


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Virtuele rondleiding door ons bedrijfspand

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Wat maakt capacitieve lineaire encoders interessant voor high tech en robotica?

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Lineaire encoders: welke technologie heb jij nodig?

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Vitaliteitsmanagement binnen MKB’s (videopodcast)

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Nauwe samenwerking ASML en Sentech

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Capacitieve lineaire encoder biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden voor integratie

In de wereld van geavanceerde technologie is een nauwkeurige meting van essentieel belang voor ...
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Nog een wereld te winnen in agritech

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