About Sentech: technology inspires us

We were living in the year 2000 when Sentech was founded by Marcel Figge. This was also the year that Marcel’s former employer – after a business deal – declared two product lines with sensors obsolete: “I couldn’t bear to see the customers suffer as a result. That was the moment I decided to start my own business.” There you have it. Technology connects you with the right partners.

In the meantime, we are long way down the road. Sentech makes customers’ machines better through our passion for technology. Our sensor experts develop smart sensor solutions together with you, our customers. These are sensor issues that the large-scale sensor manufacturers cannot solve with standard products from their catalogues. Marcel relates how he anticipated these market demands.

How did Sentech come into being?

It is 1996. Figge starts working as an Account Manager at a sensor supplier. He is responsible for the sale of two product lines. In the year 2000, his employer sells these two product lines to a German competitor. This party immediately declares the two product lines obsolete. Subsequently, these product lines were replaced by the German competitor’s sensors.  

Marcel: “The customers were informed about the product change. They were extremely disappointed. The German manufacturer’s products were just a little bit different. This meant that customers would have to modify their machines for the ‘equivalent’ sensors to fit.” 

Figge couldn’t bear to see customers suffer as a result of this deal: “In the space of a week, I arranged for all the original manufacturers to supply me directly. They had also lost business. I told some of the major customers that from now on they could buy the sensors they used to buy from me.”

Marcel Figge tells about the origin of Sentech

Marcel Figge: “I started this adventure together with my wife Birgit. We created a workspace in one of the bedrooms of our small family home. Soon the whole living room was full of stock. After a few months, the business moved to an office building in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.”

Why Sentech?

In the early years, the demand for modified sensors emerged. Figge explains: “For example, customers asked us to connect a plug. Solving a sensor issue is not just about the sensor, but also about integrating the sensor into the application. We specialized in this, so we could provide customers with good advice.” 

In a sensor integration project, we work together with you, like a colleague. Because only together can we achieve the best result. “Today in Nieuwkuijk, we develop and produce high-quality sensor solutions for four main markets.”

Meeting high quality standards

In 2008, DAF asked if we could supply certain products. To do so, we had to certify ourselves to the automotive standard. This gave our quality experience an enormous boost. In subsequent years, the need to develop according to the standards of the automotive sector also grew among other customers.

Marcel explains: “We were already able to work with tools to quickly identify failure factors, such as Design and Production FMEAs. This enabled us to help our customers, and the number of complex sensor assemblies has increased enormously.”

Sensor expert as R&D partner

Sensor issues have become increasingly complex over the years. This created a strong need for an R&D partner at technology companies. A need that is difficult for large sensor manufacturers to meet.

Figge responded to this demand: “With our flexibility, creativity and brand independence, we adapt existing products to meet customer requirements. And if a standard solution doesn’t work, we develop our own solution.”

Sensor expert as a R&D partner

Innovative solutions through Engineering

The complexity of sensor projects increased. For this reason, an Engineering department was set up in 2014. “Since then, we have been developing sensors that are not yet on the market,” Marcel emphasizes.

He provides an example: ”We can now also offer chip integration, which means we integrate the chip into a sensor housing. With our knowledge of sensor integration, software and electromechanics, we can support the customer fully.”

“An example of this is the radar sensor. We integrated a radar chip into a sensor housing and applied this technology in an agricultural application. This standard sensor is widely used to measure distances in vehicles, such as cars. The advantage of this is that the product price decreases, because these sensors are produced in large numbers.”

What we do – solving complex sensor issues

In short, Sentech provides sensor knowledge and innovation. “No matter how complex your sensor issue may seem, the solution is often simple. In addition, we can help you as a customer with the integration of sensor technology and sensor R&D solutions for extremely complex sensor issues.”

How we do it

With genuine attention to people, we are enormously dedicated to improving customers’ machines. Figge explains: “We keep asking critical questions. This is the only way to find out what customers really need. This dedication is the basis for long-term collaboration.”

So, a sensor project starts with mapping out your needs. Doing so involves asking questions such as: What measurement and control problems or challenges are you experiencing? What are your objectives? Under what conditions do your machines, vehicles, equipment or installations operate? What data would you like to measure? What is your budget for the optimal solution? These types of questions are at the heart of our method of working. Together with you, we strike the right balance between quality, lead time and costs.

It is sometimes the case that the sensor with the desired properties is not available on the market or is too expensive. “In such cases, we develop the sensor ourselves. Or we make a standard sensor with modifications available for the desired application,” says Figge.

Who – meeting challenges

Marcel’s desire to establish Sentech stems from an acquisition that had an adverse effect on customers. This motivation permeates the fabric of the entire organization. All of our Account Managers, Engineers, Purchasers, Project Managers, Assembly and Test Engineers always want to help you find the best sensor solution for you.

Our people are ready to assist you.

meet our team


Marcel Figge

"I started this adventure together with my wife Birgit. We created a workspace in one of the bedrooms of our small family home. Soon the whole living room was full of stock.”

e-mail Marcel

or call +31 73 2200 000


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