Hendrik-Jan Dreuning

My enthusiastic team and I further develop our customer relations and the business. I’ve had a lot of different jobs in my career. My chemistry background helped me start out as an R&D Engineer in the technology sector. A few years later, my interest in the process after the research phase grew. How do those fantastic ideas make it to the market? Is there customer demand for these products?

Eventually, I dared to jump into Sales. It turned out to be a perfect match. My career continued to grow from Technical Account Manager to International Sales, Marketing, Management, and eventually Director of Global Sales & Marketing. I’m at my best in these jobs when I am face to face with the customer. Customers giving me insights into the markets and collaborating to create value really boosts my energy.

After gaining experience in corporate environments, I joined Sentech. It’s a fantastic high-tech company that brims over with energy and ambition! It’s a company where you can really have an impact. I’ve wanted to do this for years.

The world is changing rapidly around us. Sensors will become an increasing part of our daily lives. The Sentech team is contributing to this trend. We create complex sensor integrations in collaboration with our customers. Contributing to this achievement is a truly excellent challenge! I take advantage of the rapidity, versatility, and innovative power of Sentech. This is a great combo with my 20 years of experience in International Marketing and Sales within high-tech corporate environments.

I also challenge myself physically from athletics in my youth to CrossFit as an adult. A good workout where I have to give my all is really satisfying. It’s not about what you can’t do, but what you can do. In other words, what you can develop. That’s how I look at life both in private and during work situations.

See you soon!

e-mail Hendrik-Jan

or call: +31 73 2200 335


De toekomst van sensorintegratie

In de wereld van moderne technologie is sensorintegratie een sleutel tot innovatie. Steeds vaker ...
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Virtuele rondleiding door ons bedrijfspand

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Wat maakt capacitieve lineaire encoders interessant voor high tech en robotica?

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Lineaire encoders: welke technologie heb jij nodig?

De eerste vraag die je jezelf stelt bij het zoeken naar een naar een passende lineaire encoder is: ...
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Vitaliteitsmanagement binnen MKB’s (videopodcast)

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Sentech en Zilvertron bouwen samen verder aan totaaloplossingen

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Robotica, mobile mapping, inspecties en zelfs verkeerssystemen: voor elke sensoruitdaging een lidar-oplossing

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Nauwe samenwerking ASML en Sentech

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Capacitieve lineaire encoder biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden voor integratie

In de wereld van geavanceerde technologie is een nauwkeurige meting van essentieel belang voor ...
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Nog een wereld te winnen in agritech

Uitdagingen op de arbeidsmarkt zijn van alle tijden, maar sommige sectoren hebben er meer last van ...
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